Paola Macchieraldo
I guide in
Telling Stories of North Wales
I speak

Paola Macchieraldo

Contact Details

124 Norbury Hill London SW16 3RT


+44 7836 502 302


+44 7836 502 302


Galles terra di leggende, cultura celtica, castelli, paesaggi stupendi, mare, montagne, miniere, musei e…..tanto altro da scoprire insieme alla vostra guida italiana.

I am a London  based Blue Badge Tour Guide, and I guide in Italian (mother’s tongue).

Over the years I have had the privilege and pleasure of conducting many tours around the country, including around Wales.

Wales is a friendly, magical country rich in history, legends, stunning scenery, architecture, archeology and so much more and I would be very proud to be your Italian speaking guide.


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