tourists in Wales with a tour guide from the Wales Official Tourist Guides Association

About Us

Most of our members live in Wales, although some are based in England – but all have undergone training encompassing both the practical and academic guiding examinations.  

Members either hold the “Blue Badge” qualification, meaning that they can guide all over Wales, or the “Green Badge”, which signifies the same level of competence but in a particular region of our country.  

We also have newer “White Badge” guides, who are qualified in walking tours in specified locations, typically a particular town, such as Newport or Holyhead.  

Many of our foreign language guides have the “Telling the Stories of South Wales” or “Telling the Stories of North Wales” Endorsement – occasionally both!  These are existing Blue Badge guides from the other UK Nations who have undertaking an online course to understand Wales and the Welsh.  They are therefore qualified to guide in their approved language(s) within South or North Wales.  

A common feature is that all relish the chance to share their knowledge and to provide you with a fun and enlightening experience during your visit to Wales.  

What can we do

Both Blue and Green badge guides can offer commentary on coach tours either across Wales or in their particular areas.  This can often be on a “hop on” basis to a variety of vehicle sizes.  

Some guides are qualified in foreign languages.  Under the “find a guide” option you will be able to search for guides with specified language skills. 

A number of our members are also Driver Guides, so they are able to provide both driving and guiding services to smaller groups.

Finally many of our guides have specified those areas where they have a particular interest or aptitude.  Should you be looking for guides who share your interests, then look under the “guide interest” filter within the “Find a Guide” section.  


All our members are responsible for negotiating their own fees.  These can include overnight accommodation (if required) and vehicle hire costs for driver guides.


All members have Public Liability Insurance of at least £5million procured via the Guild of British Tourist Guides.  

A tour guide in Wales talking to a group

Sounds Great – how do I become a guide?  

If you’re interested in becoming a guide, please send an email to Diana James at

All courses are run and administered by Wales Best Guides Enterprises Ltd – a separate not for profit company, though one whose directors, employees and trainers are all members of WOTGA.